Speak That! Movement
Dream It! Believe It! Speak It! Walk It!
Questions: Do you feel like there is so much going on in the world right now, and you just don't know how to make an impact? Do you find yourself feeling hopeless, voiceless, or not appreciated in the workplace or as a business owner? Do you know that there is power in your words and your voice matters? Do you know what it feels like to be celebrated for making your dreams come true and reaching your goals? If so, and especially if not, Speak That! Movement is for you!
Our Answer: Speak That! Movement is a women-led organization with a mission to equip and empower professional women in business along their journeys of dream and goal realization. We are on a mission to combat mental health issues and social injustice roadblocks along the way because we understand the impact these critical issues have on the lives of so many people, especially women.
Our Journey & Impact: Since 2011 - back when we were founded by Tiara M. Tucker in Illinois and a decade before we became a charitable organization when she was relocated to Dallas, TX - we have remained passionate about enriching lives and communities by curating and hosting more than 100 in-person and virtual empowerment events featuring over 100 inspiring and motivating business professionals, speakers, authors, coaches, advocates, activists, and entertainers from all over the world. We want to connect with and feature even more!
2019: After three years of hosting impactful events in Dallas, during the summer of 2019, we took a big step of faith and became a 501(c)(3) charitable organization to allow us to do even more with more support. (As of 2024, we are currently not a 501(c)(3) organization).
2020: In 2020, we launched our Speak That! Talks to speak life and hope to people all over the world when we were all faced with the global COVID pandemic. With over 50 consecutive live episodes produced and hosted by Tiara, and over 50 guest speakers joining her, Speak That! Talks received thousands of worldwide views. We ended the year serving as Black Santa's Elves when we curated and hosted our 1st annual virtual Black Santa event with a visit from Black Santa and a Motown-playing Elf DJ. At that event, we blessed the family of Jemel Robertson, who was impacted by police brutality, with a surprise Christmas shopping check, as well as five women during a giveaway.
2021: In 2021, we blessed five additional women who were impacted by the devastating Texas Winter Storm. A few months later, we produced our first social justice short documentary called Speak Their Stories to shed light on the impact of police brutality. We blessed two additional women whose loved one, Daviri Robertson, was wrongfully murdered by police. This same year, we did not stop walking in our purpose and we mentored five Dallas Independent School District high school students in the summer. In the fall, we launched our newest endeavor, Girl, Speak That!, in Illinois during Illinois State University's Homecoming because our additional assignment is to equip and empower the future generation of women in business. At the first Girl, Speak That! event, we hosted 20 teenagers and encouraged them to dream big. We ended the year blessing the family of Jelani Day during our 2nd annual Black Santa event.
2022: In 2022, we encouraged people for the 5th year in a row with our 2022 Speak That! Movement Empowerment Calendars. We also donated to families in need, supported multiple mental health and social justice efforts, and launched our new line of products in our online boutique. With the support of our high school intern, we also created and hosted our inaugural Speak That! Movement Empowerment Brunch in March with around 100 women, young girls and our male allies in attendance!
2023: In 2023, we embarked upon a new journey when we moved into the Tiara PR Network Headquarters in North Dallas! We hosted events in-person, including our 2023 Empowerment Brunch to really make a bigger impact.
2024: In 2024, we decided to take a pause to really focus on our next chapter. We are excited about 2024, but we can't do it alone. We need volunteers, donors, sponsors, and you! Join us and stay tuned for our special announcements.
Our Need: If you would like to bless us so we can continue to be a blessing to others, please consider making a donation to $SpeakThatMovement. Donations are not tax exempt at this time. You can also visit our online empowerment boutique to shop with us. All proceeds from all of our custom made novelties help us to fulfill our mission. If you are interested in speaking with us along your journey, volunteering with us, or would like to book us to speak at your next event, contact us today!
Join Our Team
We are seeking committed and passionate volunteers to join our team and movement. Contact us today if you want to be a part of our iconic journey to make an impact on the lives of others.